How do I sign up?
In connection to the course, you will find a registration form. You can also register for the course by phoning, faxing or sending an e-mail directly to Nohrcon at info@nohrcon.com.
What happens if I am prevented from participating?
In the case that you are prevented from participating, you are always welcome to send a colleague instead. You will be able to get a refund depending on the time of the cancellation: If you cancel earlier than 14 days prior to the event, we will refund 90% of the price of the event. If you cancel between 7-14 days prior to the event, we will refund 50% of the participation price. If you cancel during the last week (7 days) before the event, there is no refund (0%). Please note that all cancellations have to be in writing and sent either by e-mail or letter.
Information about time and place
You can find information about time and place in the program, which is sent to you a week before the event. You can also find the information in the event calender.
Deadline for registration
There is no deadline for registration. You can register until the day of the event. However, early registration is recommended, since the event can be fully booked.
How much does it cost?
The price is shown under each event.
The address list
If you change your address, you can note the new address on the program and return it by mail or fax +45 70 20 11 56. If you wish to be deleted from the address list, you can phone us at telephone number +45 70 20 11 46.
How do I pay?
When we receive your registration, we will send you a confirmation and an invoice. The confirmation is sent by e-mail and we send the invoice as a letter.
What is included in the price?
Documentation, lunch, coffee breaks and fruit during the day.
Is overnight stay included in the price?
No, overnight stay is not included in the price of the course. The price covers participant fee, documentation, lunch and fruit during breaks.
Do we get a discount, if we sign up more participants at the same time?
Yes. At most events you will get a discount when you sign up three participants or more at the same time. Please contact us for more information: info@nohrcon.com.
How do I get future event programs?
You can sign up in our database by sending an e-mail with your name, position and address to info@nohrcon.com. You will then receive an e-mail, when new programs are being published at our homepage.
Hotel reservation
We ask you to book the hotel reservation yourself. At some events we have special agreements with a certain hotel. In that case, you will find a booking number under ‘Practical information’ in the description of the event.